G4NSJ – WSPR Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Beacon WSJT-X


Audio Introduction:

Video at bottom of page

WSPR (whisper) Desktop Transmitter:

13/12/24. I’ve taken delivery of a WSPR DesktopTransmitter from Zach Tek. Take a look at the link for information. It’s a standalone multi-band WSPR transmitter with built-in GPS. Well worth buying if you’re into WSPR. With this little unit, I’m able to transmit continuously from any location. All I’ll need is an aerial and a 5 Volt power supply. When going on holiday, I intend to use the TX in the car on 10 metres using a 1/4 vertical antenna. I travel around the Isle of Wight every year so that should be interesting. Hopefully, the GPS signal will place me at the correct location on the WSPRnet online map.

I’m interested in propagation so I’m looking forward to studying the WSPRnet map over various 24 hour periods to discover when and where I’ve been heard at different times.

Zach Tek WSPR-TX

All times are in GMT (UTC – Z)


The WSPRnet online map is perfect for checking propagation. Say you’re on 10 metres and you wish to work Australia. Keep an eye on the map and, when you see stations from your part of the world hearing and being heard in VK land, it might be possible to have an SSB contact with Australia. Bear in mind that propagation varies from day to day. You can also compare different antennas. You might also wish to see the PSKReporter map which is very useful.

Propagation results.6 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 6 metres, 50.2945MHz. The ia a Diamond V2000 Tri-Band antenna at 6 metres AGL.

13/12/24. 0900 – 1300 hours:

Zero results. Hopefully, 6 metres will open up and some point.

Propagation results.
10 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 10 metres, 28.1261MHz. The antenna is a 5/8 vertical 2 metres AGL.

Early Morning:

14/12/24. 0930 hours.

Neumayer Station 3 Antarctica.  This was an amazing result. Check out Neumayer Station 3, Call sign DP0GVN/1. They are listed on QRZ. Check their excellent  Website for information and photos.

Antarctica Neumayer Station 3

Mid morning:

16/12/24. 1000 hours.

Good for Sweden and Finland The Canary Islands and Romania. Iceland came in around 1100 hours.

WSPR 1000 hours


Early afternoon good for Australia and Tasmania, also good for Madagascar area. Sweden, Finland and Iceland still good at 1330 hours. Mid to late afternoon good for South America. The path to North America, mainly East Coast to Missouri, has been good from midday until late afternoon.

13/12/24. 1345 hours.

Reunion Island.

Réunion Island on 10 metres

14/12/24. 1300 hours.

Svalbard, up near the Arctic Circle. I was being heard in Svalbard. JW1ITS, in International WSPR Beacon Project.


14/12/24. 1400 hours.

USA East Coast, Iceland and Canary Islands. The afternoon is good every day for East Coast USA.

East coast America

15/12/24. 1530 hours.

Brazil and Canary Islands still good. The path to South America closed at 1600 hours.

South America

Late Afternoon Early Evening:

15/12/24. 1700 hours.

The last two paths open to the Canary Islands and North Carolina. At 1730 hours, only the Canary Islands remained open. Strangely, at 1830 hours, the path to North Carolina opened again. This is what I find fascinating about propagation. One minute, a path is open to Australia, the next minute, that’s closed and you’re chatting to someone in North America. If you want DX contacts, you have to be quick!

North Carolina

As darkness falls, the path to North America begins to close. At 1840 hours I’m only being heard in Long Island and Philadelphia. Bear in mind that propagation changes, not only at different times of the year but, daily. The last station to hear my transmission after dark was in the Canary Islands. That path closed at about 1800 hours. Bear in mind that it’s winter here, it’s dark at 1630 hours.

Night Time:

During the night, the 10 metre amateur band here in the U.K.  is dead. Apart from one or two locals chatting to each other.

Propagation results.
17 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 17 metres, 18.1046MHz. The antenna is a 30 metre long end-fed at 5 metres AGL.

Early Morning:

17/12/24. 0900 hours.

Canary Islands, Finland, Sweden. At 1100 hours, I was also heard Iceland.

17-metres-0900 hours


17/12/24. 1200 hours.

Band now open to New York.

17-metres-1200 hours

17/12/24. 1500 hours.

The band hasn’t really changed since 1200 hours.

17-metres-1430 hours


Nothing had changed at 1800 hours, except my signal had also reached Edmonton in Canada. By 1830 hours,the path to Edmonton had gone.

17/12/24. 1945 hours:

The band finally closed.

Early Morning:

18/12/24. 0600 hours.

The band has been dead all night but I’m now being heard in Scotland. At o800 hours the path opened to the Canary Islands.

17-metres-0600 hours

18/12/24. 0830 hours.

My signal is now reaching Finland, Spain, Austria and the Canary Islands.

17-metres-0830 hours

Propagation results.20 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 20 metres, 14.0956MHz. The antenna is a 30 metre long end-fed at 5 metres AGL.

Results coming soon.

Propagation results.
30 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 30 metres, 10.1401MHz. The antenna is a 30 metre long end-fed at 5 metres AGL.

Early Morning:

18/12/24. 0600 hours:

This band opens early, unlike the higher bands.


18/12/24. 0900 hours:

Open to New York this morning.



18/12/24. 1500 hours:

Results on the map so far. It will be interesting as we go into darkness.

30 metres 1500 hours


18/12/24. 1930 hours:

The band is still open to parts of Europe.


18/12/24. 2100 hours:

The band finally closed. The last station to receive my signal was in the Canary Islands. As expected, this band opens earlier in the mornings than the higher bands and stays open longer in the evenings.

Propagation results.40 metres

Transmitting 200mW on 20 metres, 7.0401MHz. The antenna is a 30 metre long end-fed at 5 metres AGL.

20/12/24. 1300 hours:

Band open mainly to Europe.


20/12/24. 1900 hours:

Band now open to the Carnary Islands, Finland and Greece.


21/12/24. 0400 hours:

The band has opened to America and Canada. If you want to work the USA on 40 metres, get up early! The path to America and Canada closed at 0800 hours.



Propagation results.80-banner

Transmitting 1.6 Watts on 80 metres, 3.5686MHz. I will be using my Icom IC-7300 on the 80 metre band as the WSPR transmitter only goes down to 40 metres. The power will be set at 0% which is about 1.6 Watts. The antenna is a doublet 30 metres long and 10 metres AGL.

20/12/24. 1915 hours:

Band open to Finland and Belarus. The band didn’t really change during the evening. Our street is host to hundreds of Christmas lights which were horrendously noisy so I switched off at 1000 hours.



Propagation results.160-metres

Transmitting 5 Watts on 160 metres, 1.8366MHz.

17/11/24. 2000 hours:

Out of interest, I’m trying WSPR on top band using my Icom IC-7300. My aerial is a doublet, 30 metres top at 10 metres high… obviously not designed for 160 metres. In fact, it’s about 49 metres short! However, having a decent ATU, I can get 1:1 SWR. By the way, you can load a six inch nail on top band and get 1:1 SWR with a decent ATU. But, obviously, it will be a useless antenna.  I wasn’t heard in America but I did reach Iceland and Turkey. I tried using my 30 metre long end-fed antenna. The results were much the same as the doublet so I will be lengthening the end-fed in the hope that it will improve things.


I tried my Miniwhip active antenna on two VLF frequencies. I heard F6KPL on 474.200KHz. I also monitored 136KHz but heard nothing.

Get started with WSPR:

You don’t have to be a licensed radio amateur to use the WSPRnet online map or the WSJT-X computer program for receiving stations. You can login as a short wave listener and the stations you hear will be shown with your icon on the map.

If you are only interesting receiving, and you don’t have a radio with a USB connection for a computer, don’t worry. You can take audio from your receiver, via the headphone socket for example, and feed that into your computer’s line or microphone input. You will need to go into the WSJT program on your computer and choose the correct audio input settings. On the WSPR screen you will need to tick the box marked ‘upload spots’ so your icon and the stations you hear will be shown on the map. Also, your PC must be connected to the internet.

Remember, the USB dial frequency on your radio is 1.5 KHz lower than the transmitted frequency (the centre frequency). You need to take the centre frequency you want to decode and subtract 1.5 KHz to calculate the Dial Frequency for USB.


USB Dial Frequency = TX centre Frequency – 1.5 KHz
Example: Dial Freq = 5.250 MHz – 1.5 KHz = 5.2485 MHz
WSPR decoding is done +- 100Hz of the centre frequency.
It is usual to quote the Centre frequency and the operator needs to calculate the correct dial frequency.

USB dial frequencies in MHz:

0.136. 0.4742. 1.8366. 3.5686. 5.2872. 5.3647. 7.0386. 10.1387. 14.0956. 18.1046. 21.0946. 24.9246. 28.1246. 50.293. 70.091. 144.489. 432.300.

Comparing Antennas:

HF Propagation can change quickly so carry out antenna comparison tests over short periods of time. Bear in mind that you don’t know what type of antenna is being used at the receiving end. However, there are stations that monitoring continuously with fixed antennas. When you’re carrying out tests over several days, test at the same time of day.


I’m a little concerned about transmitting on the HF bands with my IC-7300 as my doublet and the WSPR antennas are fairly close to each other. I don’t want to zap the WSPR transmitter!

Video. WSPR:


I’ve enjoyed studying propagation on the various bands. However, the time has come to concentrate on one band.

I’m now transmitting WSPR daily on 10 metres. Using a time switch, the transmitter comes on at 0600 hours and switches off at 1800 hours. I’ve set this up because there is no propagation on 10 metres at night. If there’s a massive opening which lasts into the night, I can override the time switch with the app on my phone.

Signal Reports:

I would appreciate signal reports, if you have time. [email protected]