The Military Aviation Museum is located in
American airbourne communications receiver BC348
AR88 communications receiver
T1154 Transmitter
RAF receiver 1392D
An HRO communications receiver and a WW2 RAF wavemeter type W1117
Telephones dating back to over 100 years
A Civilian Utility radio and a receiver type 1244A
A closer look at the WW2 RAF wavemeter type W1117
A Pye PCR communications receiver
More gear to take you back in time
A WW2 RAF wavemeter type W1191A
A loop aerial used for direction finding with the R1155 receiver
A T1154 transmitter on top of an R1155 receiver. As used in the Lancaster bomber and other aircraft.
Hawker Hunter VHF aircraft transmitter and receiver
Hawker Hunter VHF aircraft transmitter and receiver
Hawker Hunter VHF aircraft transmitter and receiver