G4NSJ – Surecom SW-102 Digital VHF/UHF Power SWR meter


Arrived today. 23/11/23:

Surecom SW-102 Digital 125-525MHz Antenna Power, SWR meter, frequency counter.

VSWR. Forward and reflected power direct digital readout, without any calibration.
Maximum measurable power range up to 120W.
Build in Frequency counter.
The meter uses N sockets but adaptors are supplied for PL259 plugs.

The meter comes with a charger and charging lead.

Surecom SW-102 SWR power meter

This is a lovely piece of kit. The only draw back so far is, the meter needs a minimum of 3 Watts RF to operate correctly. Not a great deal of use with my Yaesu FT290R transceiver – 2.5 Watts max output. But, not to worry. There is an HF version but I wanted to cover 2 metres, 70cms and PMR446.

See the manual here.