Audio Introduction
10ele 70cms Yagi and 144MHz HB9CV:
Shown below on the left is my 70cms 10 element beam directed towards GB3IW on the Isle of Wight. The right hand photo shows my HB9CV 2 metre beam heading west. The roof tiles attenuate signals, especially when wet, but the aerials perform very well. They are also protected from the weather, which is a bonus.
- 70cms
- HB9 on 2 metres
Attic antennas work well:
This might look like a mess… probably because it is! But, even though close together, these VHF UHF aerials work well in the crowded attic. Far left is a flowerpot aerial (in the black tube) with a DAB aerial to its right. Next, in a white tube, is a flowerpot aerial. A 70cms 10 ele beam aimed at the Isle of Wight (GB3IW) hangs from a piece of string. There’s a 4 metre dipole, a 2 metre HB9CV (aimed at GB3RW), another flowerpot antenna… I think that’s all! On the right is a photo of fifteen coax cables coming down from the loft, some of which feed outside aerials.
18/1/23. The attic 4 metre dipole results:
I tested the attic 4 metre dipole today for the first time. Using my Anytone AT-5189, the aerial compared favourably with my outside Sirio CX4-68 on the local net. The signal reports were surprisingly good! I now have two 4 metre radios running on separate antennas. For my main station, I use my AT-588 with the Sirio antenna. I use the Anytone AT-5189 on my attic dipole to scan from 66 to 88MHz. I’ve not heard any PMR stations as yet. The fire brigade have disappeared from low band VHF along with the AA, the RAC, the electricity board… is there no one left on low band VHF these days?